See also: Google Scholar Profile and ORCID

If you can't access a paper, email me and I'll send you a personal copy.

Purinton, B., Mueting, A. and Bookhagen, B.: Image Texture as Quality Indicator for Optical DEM Generation: Geomorphic Applications in the Arid Central Andes, Remote Sensing,, 2023.

Purinton, B. and Bookhagen, B.: Beyond vertical point accuracy: Assessing inter-pixel consistency in 30 m global DEMs for the arid Central Andes, Frontiers in Earth Science,, 2021.

Purinton, B. and Bookhagen, B.: Tracking Downstream Variability in Large Grain-Size Distributions in the South-Central Andes, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126(8):e2021JF006260,, 2021.

Purinton, B. and Bookhagen, B.: Multiband (X, C, L) radar amplitude analysis for a mixed sand- and gravel-bed river in the eastern Central Andes, Remote Sensing of Environment, 246:111799,, 2020.

Purinton, B. and Bookhagen, B.: Introducing PebbleCounts: A grain-sizing tool for photo surveys of dynamic gravel-bed rivers, Earth Surface Dynamics, 7, 859–877,, 2019.

Purinton, B. and Bookhagen, B.: Measuring decadal vertical land-level changes from SRTM-C (2000) and TanDEM-X (~2015) in the south-central Andes, Earth Surface Dynamics, 6, 971-987,, 2018.

Purinton, B. and Bookhagen, B.: Validation of digital elevation models (DEMs) and comparison of geomorphic metrics on the southern Central Andean Plateau, Earth Surface Dynamics, 5, 211-237,, 2017.